What is a Complex Rehab Power Wheelchair?

If you are living with a medical condition or have been recently diagnosed, you may require equipment that helps you to remain mobile and live more independently. More serious medical conditions may require specialized equipment that are designed to meet specific and unique functional and medical needs. Your physician, therapist or other healthcare provider has a greater understanding of your needs and will be able to determine if you qualify for complex rehab technology. Read on for more information on the definition of CRT, the differences between complex rehab and durable medical equipment and where to begin in the process of obtaining a CRT wheelchair.

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Definition of CRT (Complex Rehab Technology)

Complex rehab technology, also known as CRT, refers to devices that are medically necessary and customized to fulfill the needs of an individual. These devices, sometimes referred to as components, require evaluation, configuration, fitting, adjustment or programming. The complex rehabilitation definition refers to devices that meet medical, physical and functional needs of individuals that live with a congenital disorder, progressive or degenerative neuromuscular disease, or an injury or trauma.

There is a wide array of diagnoses that may require complex rehab technology. Patients living with spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, plus many other conditions, may benefit from complex rehab.

Complex Rehab DME

There are major differences between complex rehab technology and DME, also known as durable medical equipment. Durable medical equipment refers to equipment such as scooters, manual wheelchairs, canes, walkers and other items that can be purchased from a durable medical equipment provider. Complex rehab technology is more specialized, consisting of a CRT wheelchair or power wheelchairs with power positioning components, seating and electronics. These items are also highly customizable. When it comes to complex rehab DME, the two are strikingly different.

The Importance of Complex Rehab Technology

A CRT wheelchair fulfills many needs for an individual, including medical and functional. A power wheelchair with complex rehab technology enables an individual to complete MRADLs, or Mobility Related Activities of Daily Living in the home. These activities can include getting dressed, feeding, cooking, toileting, grooming, reaching and communication. Complex rehab is designed to provide greater independence by offering components that assist an individual to safely complete these activities independently or with limited assistance.

Obtaining a CRT Wheelchair

If you have been recently diagnosed or are living with a disability that affects your mobility, discover the complex rehab solutions that Quantum Rehab® offers. Whether you are living with ALS, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy or a spinal cord injury, Quantum provides customized complex rehab power wheelchairs designed to fulfill functional and medical needs. Get more information on a CRT wheelchair for your specific diagnosis.

How Do I Purchase a Complex Rehab Technology Wheelchair?

To find out if you qualify for a CRT wheelchair, please contact your physician or physical therapist and schedule a face-to-face visit. An in-person evaluation must be completed, and your health care provider determines whether you may benefit from complex rehab. A prescription is written for a CRT wheelchair, and the prescription is sent to your local authorized Quantum provider, along with supporting documentation of your medical needs. If you have Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance, your provider works with you regarding these third-party payors to determine coverage for your CRT wheelchair. Learn more on how to purchase a complex rehab technology wheelchair.